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Elisabeth Bucknall | CIPD Advanced Level 7 Student

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I wanted theory to back up what I was putting into practice everyday at work. One of my favourite things has been the real industry experience the tutors have. They really get the practical application and how things play out in a real life situation.

The course has given me a confidence in what I’m doing day-to-day.

Having the theory and knowledge when presenting business cases or making an argument about why something should be done in a particular way, has really added credibility to my position. And it’s great to be learning about something you enjoy doing. I’ve been able to apply what I’ve learned in class the very next week at work.

I would definitely recommend Acacia for the quality of course delivery, the content and the experience of the tutors with their industry versus academic background.

Tutors know exactly how much they can fit into the days. They mix it up between taught theory and interactive activities. The support you get from Acacia HQ has made it really easy to slot into my life.

I’ve made contacts and networks across the different courses I’ve done.

They have been great allies when I’ve had challenges at work and I’ve been quickly able to say, have you guys heard of this or what did you do in this situation?

Elisabeth completed the Level 7 CIPD Advanced Diploma in Human Resource Management. It is the highest level CIPD qualification available and studying for it alongside a full-time job is challenging.

For more information about the exams which are part of the Diploma check out 8 Top Tips from a CIPD Examiner.